Maintain a Clear Pool
Your pool chemistry can change quickly. Test your pool water weekly to ensure your Free Chlorine level remains between 1 – 4 ppm. If needed, apply the appropriate chlorine or sanitizer to restore adequate sanitizer levels.
Maintain a regular cleaning regimen. Skim water surface, brush walls, vacuum and empty skimmer baskets at least once per week. Download the Clorox® Pool app on the Apple App Store or Google Play for expert water analysis and product and dosage recommendations.
This season, spend less time maintaining and more time enjoying your swimming pool!

Product reviews
Write ReviewSink to clear
It took a bit to get clear on the instructions, and to apply properly. The cloudy step through us off a bit at first, but once we grasped how the product worked we followed directions and applied. Then over night the product and our filter did their job and so did Clorox
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Can see the bottom again!
Rarely do I take the time to review products, but am ecstatic we found this product. We’ve struggled with above ground perma salt pool for entire year. Switched to chlorine
Ease of Use:
This Floc is the stuff!!!
My pool was horrible cloudy, I tried many clarifiers with no luck on improvement. This stuff is magic, one treatment over night. Hooked up the vacuum. Vacuumed out the bottom of my pool and now sparkling water!!!!
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
WOW!!!! This stuff works!!!
Our above ground pool was so cloudy and murky after some high winds in our area… this stuff is a miracle!!! We let it sit overnight and could not believe how beautiful our pool water was when we woke up in the morning! It seriously bonded all the dust/dirt particles and sunk it all to the bottom. I for sure thought we were going to have to drain the water and start over! Not with this stuff!!! All we have to do is vacuum out the bottom and we will be back in action!
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Works great
This literally saved me from draining my whole pool and refilling it. Just did exactly what the bottle said make sure PH levels were good then added to pool let pump run 4 hours. Did this in the evening. Then next morning everything was on the bottom of the pool. Just vacuumed it straight out of the pool with the waste function on my pump. It has made my pool clean and clear once again! And I was dealing with this white kind of algae I never dealt with before!
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
tremendous product! it worked at the time so you didn’t really need it. It is a pity that it is not bigger since I had to buy another to be able to do what I needed at that time. but the rest works super. in 24 hours results.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
The only thing that works!
This product comes in handy after you have an algae bloom and you shock your pool. Your water is usually murky even though the Algae is dead. This sticks to the molecules and sinks everything to the bottom which can then be vacuumed up.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Sink to Clear Flocculant
Sink to Clear Flocculant is a good product. There are a lot of steps to the process, however if you take your time and follow all of the steps it is worth it. Sink to Clear Flocculant does what it says it does.
Ease of Use: 3
Effectiveness: 5
Did not work as well as I thought
It took several days to see results. Water got cloudy and I became nervous because I knew it would take some time to clear it. Some particles was seen on the pool floor. I did notice a slight film on top of water but I am not sure if it came from the floc.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 3
Amazing product!
This is a great product! During the summer when you have high traffic in your pool it can get cloudy and dirty looking…all you have to do is use this product and it pulls all the dirt and debris together and you just vacuum it out on waste and your pool is clear again! Amazing product! Love it!
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Works Awesome
Great product for quick cleaning of a dirty pool. Every year I take the winter cover off the pool and find a mess. I Super Shock the water with Chlorine run the filter for about 4 hours to circulate the water then I add this Drop Down Floc. Run the pump for another hour, shut it off and leave it overnight. The next morning I set up the vacuum to waste and slowly vacuum the pool. All the dead crud on the bottom goes out of the pool and I’m left with clear water.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Gets to work quickly
Took no time at all to get the debris to fall to bottom for easy clean up with the pool vacuum. I would highly recommend this product for both new and veteran pool owners alike. Its great for both inground and above ground pools.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Try it, you’ll like it
Just like every other Clorox product I have used, this one is great. Be sure and read the instructions for the proper amount for your pool size. Wasn’t really sure about using it but was pleasantly surprised as to how well it worked.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Great product to make your pool sparkle
The clarifier helps to remove floating particulates from the water to make the pool sparkle. Just pour the recommended amount based on your pool size. The floating particles will flock together to make it easier to be filtered out.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Simple Fix
Simple to use and works exactly like its supposed to. Followed the directions on the bottle and vacuumed slowly so to not stir up the bottom, the pool looked perfect for our Easter guests. Will purchase again.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
I really didn’t like this product to well. I feel like I rather use a shock better than this one. I am not to sure if I used it right because I first used a shock treatment. I will keep trying to figure out this product.
Ease of Use: 3
Effectiveness: 2
Excellent Product
This product works really well if you have a large amount of trees around your pool. I find it most useful if we have been away on vacation or after a storm and the pool has a large amount of small debris in it. Those can be a pain to pull out or vacuum, this product makes it much easier to clear up.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Worked over night
hi, okay this stuff is amazing. After trying every product known to man to clear up my 24 foot cloudy pool water… this actually did the trick! My pool was cloudy – no algae – just cloudy. My biggest advice for you – let this stuff sit overnight. The next morning/day you will see all the stuff in your pool clump up (sort of) looking like white clouds. These are all the bad things in your pool- sun lotions, chemicals etc that have gathered. It advises you to vacuum the pool. The thing is once you turn the filter on to hook up your vacuum all these white clouds of stuff that you should vacuum up starting moving all around due to the filter. My suggestion is that this is a 2 person job- one in the pool and one out. The person outside the pool simply turns the filter pump to “on” but only when the person in the pool has almost all of the vacuum ready to go. This will stop the majority of the “stuff” to disintergrate or move around from the cloud its formed. Once you finish vacumming you may still see white chemicals or stuff in the pool water from moving it around… just leave your filter on for a few hours and it will go away. Backwashing (if you have a sand filter) is also best a few times during this whole process. I know this sounds like a lot but it really isnt- very easy to do – pour it in, let it sit overnight, vacuum (carefully) and then backwash and then keep filter on. this stuff definitely works! thanks
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Works great!
After clearing up my pool’s algae problem, it was super cloudy. I used the Clorox Sink to Clear and within two days the water was crystal clear and all the gunk was on the bottom of the pool. I would recommend this to anyone needing a quick way to clear up cloudy water.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
It works great. Will order again. I put it in my algae ridden pool and it helped clear up the water and to got it looking great again. The effect is impeccable. I use it after it rains or at least once per week
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Definitely helps keeping the water clear.
Product arrived on time and was easy to follow the instructions on the side of the bottle. Works very well to help clear the water in my pool. Noticed improvement right away. Starting the season out with clear water is important.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Surprised at how great it worked!
I wasn’t sure what to make of this product at first – it sounded great, but how would it work? Very well, that’s how. I’ve had what I thought was maybe a yellow algae on my pool walls for a long time. Brushing helped. Algaecide helped. But I wasn’t convinced – the problem grows as pollen seasons intensifies. I tried this and wow! I poured in the product following the instructions, let the filter run, and brushed the pool. A day later, following the instructions, the yellow is gone!
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Clears up that hazy water fast!
Lifesaver!! When your pool is hazy and needs to be cleared up, sometimes your filter can’t seem to filter enough, but using this flocculant allows it to gather together in a larger area at the bottom where you can then vacuum it up! Super easy to main a clear pool
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Clumping help is on the way
This product does what is says and as long as you follow the instructions you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the results you’ll get. My pool was a mess until I used this and now I’m a believer in what it does.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Cloudy to Clear
Great for cloudiness. Our pool will get cloudy for no reason at all (no algae). I poured this in and let it set overnight. In the morning, there were globs of stuff clumped together. Make sure you vacuum “WASTE” out, so the globs do not break up. This product has a permanent spot on the shelfr.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Works great!
Using this time to keep my pool water clear all year long. Clorox provides great products to tackle all types of problems and they are available at my local Lowe’s big box store down the street. I recommend this product.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Great for clarity!
Amazing stuff! Tried other products to clear up the cloudy water. I didn’t have algae, just cloudy water. Works best if you let it sit overnight. It really cleared up the water and avoided having to drain the water
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Sink and vaccums great
I love clorox products. It is all that I use for my pool. This was super easy to use for my spring opening. It made all of the small particles sink so that the vaccum could vaccum them up and now I have crystal clear water. Great product that is a must for any pool owner.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Easy to use
After having my pool closed for the winter and opening it late in the spring my pool was very murcky and just don’t right. I added this after running the pump and shocking it. This definitely helped clean it up a bit. Just fallowed the directions on the back.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Not for above ground pools
I’m sure this product works great but it is the wrong product for my pool. I didn’t realize I needed a pool vacuum to use this product effectively. I’ll stick with Clorox Super Water Clarifier next time.
Ease of Use: 3
Effectiveness: 1
Sink to clear flocculant really works
Clorox products are the best,when ever you need to keep your pool safe,used this products and the app,follow instructions and follow all the instructions,all you pool water will be safe to swim and will look clear and clean.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Sink ro Clear
Have used product on one occasion with impressive results. There were particulates in the pool due to a recent windstorm which clouded the water. I applied the Sink to Clear Flocculant late in the day and by the next day saw a huge difference in water clarity. Improvements enen continued for several days. Great product.
Ease of Use: 4
Effectiveness: 4
Added this to my pool during startup. It was cloudy and after adding this it seemed to become cloudier. The next day I saw difference in the amount of solids on the bottom and the water had cleared somewhat.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 4
Works well if you are in need of this type of prdu
Great job of maintaining a pool. Very easy to use. Works as expected. Also good for weekly maintenance of your pool. Simple instructions, very simple and easy to use. Great product if you need to perform this type of maintenance.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
I have used this product before and it clears the water and I vacuum it right out. Great product to use if your pool has been sitting all winter and you want to clear it fast. Just pour it in and let it sit then vacuum to waste. Great product!
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Does a fine job , I’ll be using again .
It makes it easy to clean up that algae , that’s been growing over the cool months .Follow the directions , and it works well . Our pool came with a pump that was too small as usual . So I have become a ” pool boy ” .
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Great pool clean up product
This product worked good for helping with a unexpected algae bloom clean up crisis. I first had to get my pool chemical levels correct after that I had added the flocculant to help settle the dead algae . After vacuuming the heavy algae from the bottom the filter caught the rest after a few days. Good product for a bad situation.
Ease of Use: 3
Effectiveness: 4
Does what it says it’ll Do!
Does what it says it will do! This product was helpful with the slight algae and debris build up over the winter. Put this in and all the debris went to the bottom for easy vacuuming up! So nice to have it all sink to the Bottom for easy clean up.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5
Opening pool
This stuff is amazing drops everything to the bottom easy to vacuum.
Ease of Use: 5
Effectiveness: 5