High heat and prolonged sun exposure take a toll on your pool’s water chemistry. Ultraviolet sunlight accelerates the breakdown of your pool’s Free Chlorine—which is necessary to maintain properly sanitized water. Preventing rapid chlorine loss is especially important through the peak summer season or during a heat wave. Take these steps to protect your pool from chlorine loss and keep your pool swim-ready.
Chlorine Pools
Use a sanitizer that includes chlorine stabilizer for sunlight protection.
Test your pool water 2-3 times per week during periods of high heat and sun.
Always maintain 1 – 4 PPM of Free Chlorine and at least 30 PPM of Stabilizer.
Salt Pools
Test your pool water 2-3 times per week during periods of high heat and sun.
Always maintain 1 – 4 PPM of Free Chlorine and at least 30 PPM of Stabilizer.
Apply a Chlorine Stabilizer as needed.
*Always follow label instructions when applying pool chemicals.